Did You Know? | Stuart, FL Architectural Photographer
So, this is where my love for photography first began...Architectural Photography. I started my first photography business, Photos To Sell, 5 years ago. In this business I specialize in providing services to clients in the following industries: Realtors, Developers,Contractors,Architects,Interior Designers, Homeowners and more. After a year into this business, clients started to request an array of more services that included photographing people!
And this is where the portrait realm began in my world.
Por·trai·tureˈpôrtriCHer,ˈpôrtriˌCHo͝or/: graphic and detailed description, especially of a person.
However, Photos To Sell, is still a big part of my professional career. I continue bringing still imagery to life. More of my architectural work can be seen at photostosell.com.
As always, referrals are greatly appreciated! A $50 referral thank you gift is awarded to those who are so kind to send others my way. This referral gift is universal and can be used within both areas of my business (architectural or portraiture).
Here are a couple of other galleries to dab into where it all began.